call us: 506-856-8560 250 Lutz Street, Moncton, NB E1C 5G3

Firm News
The Latest from Murphy Collette Murphy

The Partners of Murphy Collette Murphy take great pleasure in announcing that, after five years with the firm, Molly C. H. Hall has been admitted as a partner.
Molly C. H. Hall
Molly is a member of the Law Society of New Brunswick and will continue her practice in litigation, fire & construction claims, personal injury, insurance defence.
Murphy Collette Murphy is a bilingual firm practicing in all areas of law and is committed to proving our clients with superior legal representation.
250 Lutz Street, Moncton, NB E1C 5G3
Tel: (506) 856-8560
Fax: (506) 856-8579

Murphy Collette Murphy is pleased to announce that J. William Collette, K.C. has been inducted into the Canadian Academy of Distinguished Neutrals (CADN).
J. William Collette, K.C. is a founding partner of Murphy Collette Murphy and has focused his practice on personal injury, defense and insurance defense. He is an experienced trial lawyer having appeared at various levels of Courts in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Price Edward Island.
In 2005 he began practicing as a mediator and has mediated numerous civil disputes since then.
The CADN is a professional association whose membership consists of ADR professionals distinguished by their hands-on experience in the field of civil and commercial conflict resolution. Membership is by invitation only and all Academy members have been thoroughly reviewed and found to meet stringent practice criteria. Members are among the most in-demand neutrals in their respective provinces, as nominated by their peers and approved by local litigators.
Click here to see J. William Collette, K.C. CADN profile

Welcome Gabrielle
Gabrielle will be completing her articles with us over the next year. Originally from Tracadie, she completed her Juris Doctor at the Université de Moncton. In her spare time, she enjoys camping and playing golf.

SPCA Annual Yard Sale
At Murphy Collette Murphy, we believe that giving back to the community, including to our furry friends, whenever possible is very important. Mike Cormier and Curran Tompkins put their BBQ skills to the test at this year’s Greater Moncton SPCA annual yard sale. All proceeds were donated to the SPCA.

Night of the Guitars
Along with sponsoring a table at the 2017 Night of the Guitars, Mike Cormier, Louis-Martin Boudreault and Curran Tompkins each picked up a guitar in support of the IWK.

The Humanity Project
The staff at Murphy Collette Murphy had the pleasure of going to lend a helping hand to The Humanity Project with some meal prep and service. What an amazing experience.

Annual CIP Society Golf Tournament
Solicitors J. William Collette, K.C., Michael R. Cormier, Curran G. Tompkins and Louis-Martin Boudreault enjoyed a day on the golf course this past August in support of the 21st Annual CIP Society Golf Tournament.

Helping Further Education
For the past 17 years J. William Collette K.C. has offered bursaries to the graduates of École Secondaire de Rogersville who are willing to further their education. This year’s happy recipients were Cindy McIsaac and Eric Collette. Bill was in court on the day the bursary was presented to
Ms. McIsaac.

Inquiring Minds
Louis-Martin Boudreault and Michael R. Cormier got to take part in this year’s Career Day at Bessborough School. This gave students a chance to explore the different career possibilities that may await them one day.

IINB Charity Softball Tournament
While Team MCM did not come in 1st place, we got to enjoy some fresh air while participating in this year’s tournament. We even had a team mascot.
From left to right: J. William Collette, K.C., Louis-Martin Boudreault, Michael R. Cormier, Curran G. Tompkins, Darren G. Blois, and Nala.

Giving Back
Solicitor Collette has again this year presented a bursary to one of the graduates of l’Ecole Etoile de l’Acadie, located in his hometown of Rogersville. Best of luck to Travis Barrieau.